God's story for everyone

When we finished translating Genesis chapters 1-3 into the local language, the next logical step was to publish it. But in what form? So much attention was given to the words of the text, we wanted to make the same effort for its presentation.

Books 'n scrolls

We have published the story of Creation and the Fall with original watercolors illustrations and hand calligraphy, so that the very first publication in their language of the very first chapter in God's story would commend itself to the reader as the most precious story of all.

The scroll form is used for presenting to large groups, while the books are used for sharing more intimately. This tribe is not a widely literate people, so in any context, the illustrations are half of the communication!

We hope to continue this project and add more stories as the Lord supplies! His story is worth telling well, and time belongs to Him...

If you would like to contribute to this project go to lbim.org and click on 'giving'. Designate your gift for the Genesis Book Project.