
April 8, 2024

We received our first rain of the year yesterday! Rainy season is still a good six weeks away or more, but it is good to be refreshed in this intensely hot season. 

Inspite of the heat, we are enjoying and embracing our last month in Boudamasa before we take a six-month home assignment. We are particularly grateful for the visit of Owen Ewan. He has lived with us for three months now as a gap year project. His help with the many jobs around here and his friendship with our whole family has encouraged us immensely. We will miss him!

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Life and ministry in our Chadian village looks like something like this: 

Bagirmi Creation Book

Our friends and neighbors are hearing the story of Creation and the Fall in their own language in our newly published Genesis story book. For many children and adults, this is the first book they have ever held, and certainly the first illustrated book they have ever seen. The story of God starts here, and continues in the lives of the this un-reached people.  


Gethsemane School

Our fourth year of the Gethsemane school is beginning--with a new school building! We are so grateful. 

Read more... 

Or visit the school website meube.org

Story Project

The Word gives life! So we continue to work in Bible translation as needed. Currently we are facilitating a "Story Project", to teach Bible stories to local people that they retell naturally in their own languages and record for distribution. 

See some photos!